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Exmoor on Two Wheels

To get off the beaten track whilst picking your way down lost lanes really is one of the best ways to experience Exmoor’s magic.

Cycling is the perfect way in allowing you to see and experience so much more than by car. It also allows me to cover a lot more ground than walking (for example) and gives me that flexibility to stop as and when I want and, even then, still have the ability to explore areas by foot as well.

I find I see more wildlife when exploring by bike and my senses seem to come alive with the sounds…..and scents(!) of the rural idyll. With the warm sunshine beating down on my back, this is just the tonic that was needed after a busy week!

This week’s cycle took us around Withypool, with its wild sweeping vistas, hardy hawthorns sprinkling the landscape and Exmoor ponies delighting in their wild and beautiful landscape. Withypool itself is a beautifully quaint little village that offers up several iconic walks including routes to Tarr Steps and Landacre Bridge, as well as an ancient bridge and plenty of picnic spots.

We then made our way up and out of Withypool and down Winsford Hill towards Tarr Steps (Exmoor’s iconic clapper bridge), then up towards Molland and to South Molton.

Views for miles of vibrant green pastures, happy sheep sheltering from the midday sun, buttercups and cow parsley blooming, buzzards soaring….nature was alive and singing.

Below are a few snaps from this latest adventure that hopefully give you a flavour!